Swimming Pool


OPEN SWIMMING:      1 PM to 6 PM 

FAMILY SWIM NITE:    Thursday from 7 PM to 9 PM

WATER AEROBICS:    Monday from 6 PM to 7 PM 

*Hours of operation are contingent upon sufficient staffing.

Swimmer - $4 per day
Non-Swimmer - $1 per day
Water Aerobics - $5 per session
7 Day Punch Card - $24
1 Person Season Pass - $60
1 Person Season & Water Aerobics Season Pass - $85
2 Person Season Pass - $85
3 Person Season Pass - $110
4 or More Person Season Pass - $135
(*Passes are limited to 2-adults & children living in the same household.)
Water Aerobics Season Pass - $50

Pool Rental:
$4.00 per person + lifeguard's wages at 1 1/2 times hourly wage rate. (*Must have 1 guard for every 15 people.)

The pool will close if there is lightning or thunder or if a severe weather warning is issued for our area, or if the quality of water or facility presents a health or safety hazard. The pool may be re-opened if severe weather passes over at the discretion of the pool manager. The pool may also close if the air temperature is 68 degrees or less. 


Class sizes are limited. Children can ONLY be registered for ONE SESSION AT A TIME.


Session 1: June 17 - 21 

Session 2: July 8 - 12

Session 3: July 22 - 26  

7:30 am Level 5 & 6 $20
8:30 am Level 4 $20
9:30 am Level 3 $20
10:30 am Level 2 $15
11:00 am Level 1 $15
11:30 am Preschool $15

*Level 1 children must be eligible for kindergarten in the fall.
*Preschool classes are for children 3 & 4 years of age.

If you need assistance registering for lessons, please contact the city office at 605-859-2175.


-No running, dunking, fighting or horseplay.
-No diving in marked areas.
-No hanging on the diving board & ropes.
-No diapers allowed in the pool.
-No catching or assisting those using the diving board.
-No running on the diving board.
-Children under the age of 6 must be supervised at all times by someone at least 12 years of age.
-Inexperience swimmers are not allowed in the deep end. 
-Only bottled water is allowed in the pool area.
-Only lifeguards are allowed in or on the guard chairs.
-This is a tobacco, drug & alcohol free facility.