Community Alerts

Notice of Public Hearing - Request for Variance

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 7:10 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Philip City Council on Monday, June 3, 2024, in the Community Room of the Haakon County Courthouse on the variance request application filed by Tyler Nemec, T & A Rental Properties, LLC, for the property legally described as Lots 1 & 2, Block 17, Original Town, City of Philip, Haakon County, SD.

City Ordinance #11-401(d), Residential Front Yard Requirement - Application has been made to occupy the east 3 feet (3’) of the required twenty-five feet (25’) setback along Stewart Ave. which shall include any overhang of the structures.

All interested persons may appear at the public hearing and show cause why the variance should be approved or rejected.

Monna Van Lint
Finance Officer

(Publish: May 23, 2024 at an approximate cost of $_______)

Flushing Water Lines

The City of Philip is flushing water lines. Customers may notice temporary water discoloration during this time. The water is safe for consumption and daily activities. Some general guidelines if you do notice discolored water include running cold water through your system until the water runs clear; and, ensure water is clear before running the dishwasher or washing clothes. Flushing is a necessary part of maintaining our water system. If you have any questions, contact the city office at 605-859-2175.